PELETAH MINISTRIES Honors the Legacy of our Beloved Co-Founder – Pastor Anthony Gibson

Please continue to keep the Gibson and Baldwin families in your prayers.

Stay Tuned for This Fall/Winter for a NEW Bible & Book Study

Peletah Ministries recognized by U.S. Surgeon General –Dr. Vivek Murthy for its Health work in Eastern North Carolina (click on link)
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Peletah Turns 14!
14 Impactful Years!!!!
It was the third Sunday of July when God spoke to Pastor Anthony and gave him
the name for this ministry – Peletah (the Hebrew word for deliverance).
A month later Pastor Anthony and his wife,
Pastor Dawn would see their community ravished by Hurricane Irene . Pastor Anthony worked on getting the church ready for its official launch.
During that time, Pastor Dawn served as the Founding Chair of the Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Coalition and then partnered with 8 Days of Hope to host the largest volunteer effort in NC history at that time for homes to be rebuilt.
Home Bible studies were actively happening during 2011 when the church was incorporated. The official launch was January 1, 2012.
Ten years later, lives have been transformed through the powerful name of
Jesus Christ., more than 250,000 people fed through the Peletah Food Ministry (in partnership with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC), served thousands throughout Eastern NC impacted by Hurricane Irene and Hurricane Matthew,
hosted the NC Legislative Black Caucus Poverty Summit, started the Healthy Churches/Healthy Communities meeting, partnered with the City of New Bern to host the Racial Reconciliation Conference with Dr. John Perkins and started a trauma informed care school with a remnant congregation.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve and love people. This is only the beginning BUT we stop for a moment to CELEBRATE WHAT GOD HAS DONE!!!